
Sunday, September 1, 2013

10 Things to Do on Day One of Your Blog

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
That’s a quote by the Chinese philosopher Laozi and it’s particularly relevant to new bloggers. That first step is the most important one, but what does it entail?
Let’s say you bought a domain, set up hosting, and installed WordPress. What comes next? How do you start blogging with the end in mind? Here are ten things you should do on day one of your blog (or today, if you’re past day one).

Let’s Assume You’ve Done Your Research

Before you purchase a domain, there a number of things you need to consider. For the sake of this article, we’re going to assume that you already:
  1. Chose a specific audience with problems that you know how to solve.
    Always start with an audience, not a topic. Choose to help people that you are qualified to help.
  2. Found and subscribed to the top related blogs in your niche.
    Use the How to Get Bloggers to See and Follow Your Blog post to find out how to find other bloggers in your niche. Then subscribe to their feed and start following their posts.
  3. Read free posts, ebooks, and resources from your niche.
    Once you’re subscribed, spend a few days reading the free posts and ebooks they give you. Read both for the content and to see how they do what they do.
If you’d like more of my thoughts on any of these steps, let me know in the comments.

Technical Tasks for Your Blog

Here are five technical components of your blog that you need to take care of prior to writing a single post.

1. Burn Blog with FeedBurner

Every major blog that I can think of, including Copyblogger, Problogger, TechCrunch, and Mashable, all serve up their RSS feeds through the Google-acquired tool, FeedBurner. It’s become the industry standard because it’s by Google, it integrates with other software, and it’s been around for a long time.
To burn your blog with FeedBurner:
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your Google account.
  3. Burn your feed by plopping your url in the box.
  4. Click next.
  5. Select your feed. It should be if you’re using WordPress.
If you were wondering how Michael integrates his RSS feed with Aweber, this is the first step in that process. Even if you’ve been blogging for awhile, it’s important to do this as soon as possible so all of your subscribers reside under one roof.

2. Place Opt-In Forms

The money is in the list … If I could do one thing differently, I would have started building my list earlier … The most important call to action for bloggers is to encourage people to subscribe.
You’ve heard all of that countless times. You can’t start building your list until your site has opt-in forms.
No matter which email platform you use (even FeedBurner has an email subscriber option), the process of putting opt-in forms on your site is, in most cases, a matter of copy/pasting the code. Here are a few places to put those forms:
  1. Right side of the header.
  2. Top of the sidebar.
  3. Bottom of posts.
  4. Footer area.
  5. Featured on the homepage.
  6. Lightbox with Popup Domination.

3. Write Your About Page

Your about page will be one of the most viewed pages on your site because readers like to know the people behind the site.
I was listening to a Derek Halpern interview on Smart Passive Income the other day, and this was Derek’s advice on how you should organize your about page:
  1. What will this website do for the visitor? Followed by an opt-in box.
  2. Establish yourself as an expert. Followed by an opt-in box.
  3. Build a personal connection with your story. Finish it up with an opt-in box.
Treat your about page as a sales letter for why somebody should follow you and your site. If you do a good job, they’ll want more information from you, hence the opt-in.

4. Create a Contact Page

Once you have an about page, the only other page you need to launch your blog is a contact page. I include two things on my contact page:
  1. Contact information.
    I list my email, Skype ID, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Plus.
  2. Contact form.
    Sometimes people prefer to email you directly from the site. Include a contact form by using the Contact Form 7 and Really Simple CAPTCHA plugins.

Planning Content for Your Blog

Once you have the technical components of your blog worked out, it’s time to focus on the most important part, the content.

5. Choose Your Categories

Within WordPress, you create categories for your posts. These categories help organize your site both for your readers and for search engines.
Category pages display your archived posts based on the category you choose.
To set up your category pages, go to Posts > Categories and be sure to include your meta data as well as an introductory headline/content.

6. Pick Your Pillar Articles

After you create the category pages, think about how you can create a pillar article for each category.
A pillar article is different than a category page in that it’s an ultimate resource post (i.e. 101 Ways to Make Money Online) with links to your in-depth articles.
These posts get lots of traffic. You can even create a secondary navigation menu, like the one on Income Diary, to highlight the pillar articles on your blog.

7. Brainstorm a List of Blog Posts

Once you’ve chosen your categories and pillars, start brainstorming different posts that solve problems and fit within the scope of those categories. I like to brainstorm with a notebook and a white board.
To aid in and filter down this brainstormed list, do a little keyword research to figure out which keywords and blog post topics people are searching for.
You’ll use this brainstormed list to create your editorial calendar.

8. Create an Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is a fancy term for planning which blog posts you’re going to write and publish on which days.
You can simply schedule your blog posts in a planner/calendar. If you’d like to take this process to the next level, you can use the Editorial Calendar plugin.
This step isn’t necessary but it will keep you focused and on schedule for creating content for your blog.

9. Write a Ton of Posts

One of the biggest mistakes that new bloggers make is that the start telling people about their blog when they only have a few posts written. As soon as you start telling people about it, you have a responsibility to keep it updated.
Based on how seriously you want to take your blog, this is how many blog posts you need to write prior to publishing the first post:
  1. Recreational Blogger: 5 posts
    If you’re testing the blogging waters, start with writing 5 posts. Publish the first three, tell people about them, and schedule the next two.
  2. Intermediate Blogger: 10 posts
    If you’re fairly certain you want to keep up with blogging, write 10 posts to see if it’s something that you enjoy doing.
  3. Serious Blogger: 20 posts
    If you’re blogging to better your business, start by writing 20 posts.
  4. Career Blogger: 50 posts
    If blogging is your business, write 50 posts before you tell anyone. As soon as you launch, it’s going to be tough to keep up with a rigorous posting schedule. It’ll be nice to have a couple dozen posts sitting in the queue.
If you’ve already launched your blog, there’s a good chance your posting schedule has waned since the first few months. Consider taking a hiatus so you can build up a stockpile of focused content and re-launch it in a few months.

10. Strategize Your Funnel System

Man, you’ve had a busy day. The final thing you need to figure out before you start telling people about your new blog is your funnel system.
The first step in developing your funnel system is figuring out what you want people to do. Maybe it’s to become a subscriber or purchase a product. This is the goal of your site.
Whether your goal is to get them to subscribe or to purchase, I think your funnel system should be the same:
Read > Subscribe > Free Report/Auto-Responder Series > Blog Post Broadcast > Purchase
Getting somebody to purchase something from your site is like asking them to marry you. You can’t pop the question right away. You need to start by getting their phone number or email. Begin building trust by hanging out with them, giving them free content. After awhile, you’ll be in a relationship. Then one day they’ll trust you enough to buy.

The Final Word

I have a feeling that you’re past day one on your blog. That’s ok. These things still matter. Even if you’ve been blogging for years, these tips will help revitalize your blogging as though it’s day one all over again.
Sometimes it’s nice to go back to day one. You were probably pretty excited about what you’re doing now. Keep up that enthusiasm and let me know how I can help.

24 Rules I Follow When Creating Successful Websites

24 Rules I Follow When Creating Successful Websites

Today I wanted to do an extended list of my rules for creating and building a successful website. It is not my usual Top 7 list but there are so many key points here – ones that are often overlooked in a start-up website that I wanted to emphasis them all. For simplicity I am not going to do a detailed explanation of every Rule – because in many cases these rules are REMINDERS rather than new information for a lot of my readership. That said, if you have a specific question or don’t understand the reasoning please do post a question in the comments. Actually, I’d like to give you a challenge – let me know any Key Rules you feel I have missed out on in this post in the comments below.
Lets get started!
1 Your website should load quickly. (Because Google loves it!) Watch out for memory intensive plugins or conflicting plugins etc.
2 Security from hackers is important. I lost my first big site because I didn’t have any. More embarrassingly I didn’t have a Back Up! Fortunately these days, most hosts will do automatic backups for you (although I believe you should always keep a fairly up to-date back-up of your site offline also) Additionally never pick a web host that hasn’t got 24/7 live support. When things go BAD, you will want their help. I use for most of my blogs – great back up and first class security. Highly recommended.
3 Always use a .com and unless there really is no alternative don’t use a DASH / Hyphen in between words in a domain name.
4 Build an email list from day one. Go get Popup Domination.
5 Websites do break! Sometimes for what will appear no reason, pages will stop displaying as they should or even links will get messed up. This could be because of some conflict with some of the Plugins. Especially when upgrading say WordPress know that some of the Plugins you have installed will no longer be compatible. With regards to internal and external links there are various Broken Link Checkers, some of them FREE that are worth checking out.
6 Facebook, Twitter & Pick one and dominate it, stop sucking at all 3. Or alternatively hire someone to look after your social media and make them responsible for the outcome.
7 Have a plan for your business (website) – I mean a bricks and mortar business without a business plan is pretty silly! Why should it be any different for your website? Have a plan for the coming month, 3 month, 6 months, 12 months! Where do you see you and your website 5 years from now? Do you have an exit plan? Do you have a revenue plan?
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
8 If you focus on one traffic source, you are dumb. Google, Social Media, Email Marketing, Podcasts/Videos, Info Graphics & Linkbait are all important.
9 Consistency is key when publishing content. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, you choose how often to post and stick to it. (Gee, I am not always great at following this Rule myself – but really it is essential!)
“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”
~ Anthony Robbins
10 Make it easy for people to contact you. What is more, be open to some criticism or less than positive comments about your website. Sure some comments will come from generally negative people but my overall experience is that people want to help. For example I have received 100′s of emails from people notifying me of bugs and spelling errors.
11 Never tell people what you plan to do, do it, then show them. That is my preferred approach – I know many will suggest you tell people what you are going to do – as it puts additional pressure on you to do it. If you think that works better for you, then feel free to ignore this ‘rule’.
12 Never retaliate to comments or emails. People will disagree with you and you might even think they are dumb, but they are entitled to their opinion. Frankly we don’t have the time or energy to prove them wrong. It’s also not so important that you need to waste your life trying to prove yourself right and someone else wrong.
This is one of my fathers favorite quotes – not everyone will get it first time, but think about it!
“Do you want to be Right or do you want to be Happy”
13 Ask! You can get a lot of things by just asking. When I was 18, I caught Glandular Fever in Ghana and spent a horrific week in hospital in Ghana before returning to England and spending a week in hospital here in the UK. I had to rest for months after that and decided I had nothing better to do then ask people to do interviews for Retireat21. I spent days emailing hundreds of top internet entrepreneurs for interviews. Three of the top 100 websites in the world came back to me and say they would do an interview, plus over 50 other successful CEO’s and entrepreneurs.
14 Regularly ask yourself – If in 10 years( or in one day, 6 months. I year, 5 years)  you were to look back at your actions today what would you have changed? Do that. From my good friend Craig Ballantyne
15 These days there is an increasing trend that the people who make the most cash online, buy a high percentage of their traffic (pay for advertisements). Basically they have learned additional skills based on lead generation and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). If you are not also learning these skills, you are missing out. I now include bought traffic in my online promotions.
16 Top list articles still bring me 80% of my traffic although it took only 20% of my time to create them.
17 In my experience, it’s easier to start a day productively then end it productively. (Well… so far today I’ve done jackshit, I guess I will try harder tomorrow..)
18 Invest in the future. Don’t presume what you are doing right now, will be working in years to come. Keep innovating & educating.
19 Surround yourself with successful people. Retireat21, IncomeDiary & Popup Domination all came from ‘hanging out’ with other like minded people.
20 Always have a written and signed agreement with your partners / Joint Ventures. People will rip you off for less money then you would imagine. Greed is a crazy thing.
21 What you Focus on is what you get – so if you want money, FOCUS on it! Always be aware of who owes you money, check that the payments you expect to receive are arriving in your bank account (Paypal account) at the correct time. If you still get paid by a cheque – bank it straight away and don’t leave it hanging around for days. Basically without getting too metaphysical or ‘woo woo’ on you I believe the Universe rewards your intent – also known as the Law Of Attraction.
22 Don’t be afraid of highly competitive niche! The reason they are competitive is because there is money in that niche!
23 When negotiating, often it is more powerful to say nothing. I find that people don’t like silence and will want to say something, often lowering the price.
24 Keep moving forward. Don’t give up – The biggest difference between success and failure is not giving up.
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”
~ Thomas Edison
“The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.”
~ Nelson Boswell

30 Websites That Make A Lot Of Money Online

Top Earning Websites

Today I created a list of the top 30 earning websites in the world, for some of these websites, $50 million in revenue a day is just a typical day, crazy isn’t it? And it was all created in the last 10 or so years! I usually would do a write up about how the list rocks and why you should do it to but I think the figures speak for themselves, enjoy!
Since publishing this article, we have done an updated version called ‘20 Websites Making The Most Money‘.
Before you see the list, who do you think makes the most money? Decided? Ok, now you can look!

30 Websites That Make A Lot Of Money Online

 Rank  Website  Founders  Annual Revenue  Per Second
 1  Google  Larry Page and Sergey Brin  $21,800,000,000  $691.27
 2  Amazon  Jeff Bezos  $19,166,000,000  $607.75
 3  Yahoo  Jerry Yang and David Filo  $7,200,000,000  $228.31
 4  eBay  Pierre Omidyar  $6,290,000,000  $199.45
 5  MSN/Live  Nathan Myhrvold.  $3,214,000,000  $101.92
 6  PayPal  Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek  $2,250,000,000  $71.35
 7  iTunes  Jeff Robbin  $1,900,000,000  $60.25
 8  Reuters  Marshal Vace  $1,892,000,000  $59.99
 9  Priceline  Jesse Fink  $1,884,000,000  $59.74
 10  Expedia  Added Mark Schroeder  $1,447,000,000  $45.88
 11  NetFlix  Reed Hastings  $1,200,000,000  $38.05
 12  Travelocity  Terry Jones  $1,100,000,000  $38.05
 13  Zappos  Nick Swinmurn  $1,000,000,000  $31.71
 14  David Litman  $1,000,000,000  $31.71
 15  AOL  Erik Prince  $968,000,000  $30.70
 16  Orbitz  Jeff Katz  $870,000,000  $27.59
 17  Overstock  Robert Brazell  $834,000,000  $26.45
 18  MySpace  Tom Anderson  $800,000,000  $25.37
 19  Skype  Niklas Zennstrom  $550,841,000  $17.47
 20  Sohu  Zhang Chaoyang  $429,000,000  $13.60
 21  Robb Brock  $400,000,000  $12.68
 22  StubHub  Eric Baker  $400,000,000  $12.68
 23  Alibaba  Jack Ma  $316,000,000  $10.02
 24  Facebook  Mark Zuckerberg  $300,000,000  $9.51
 25  YouTube  Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim  $300,000,000  $9.51
 26  Blue Nile  Mark Vadon  $295,000,000  $9.35
 27  Tripadvisor  Stephen Kaufer  $260,000,000  $8.24
 28  Getty Images  Mark Getty  $233,200,000  $7.39
 29  Bidz  Garry Itkin  $207,000,000  $6.56
 30  NYTimes  Henry Jarvis Raymond  $175,000,000  $5.55

list of top 10 most popular websites

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